Typical Projects

No two projects are the same and this is especially true for a company providing management advice.  However, to provide potential new clients with a better understanding of the work we do, in this section of our website we will try to provide some generalities of our projects.    

Phase 1: Listen - Define - Evaluate
Each project will start with the "Listening" phase, the time when VMS staff will try to get a good understanding of the work the client expects from us.  It is essential during this time that all involved concentrate on the issue that needs to be addressed, and not on the way on the way it will or could be addressed.

With this information VMS will develop a clear definition of the task at hand and the deliverables that will be produced as part of the project.  This will be presented to the client for evaluation to ensure that there is full agreement on what the project will address and what VMS will produce.  Only after the client has approved the definition and the deliverables will VMS continue with the next phase.

Phase 2: Plan - Evaluate
Once the project has been defined, VMS will prepare a detailed plan that will outline how the project will be executed.  This plan will include a clear manhour estimate for each step to allow accurate progress tracking throughout the project.  Once again this plan will be presented to the client for evaluation to ensure that there is full agreement on the project schedule and, in case of a reimbursable contract, the anticipated project cost.  Only after the client has approved the plan will VMS continue with the next phase.

Phase 3: Execute - Report - Evaluate
With an approved project definition, list of deliverables and project plan VMS will execute the work, providing progress reports at agreed intervals.  Once the work has been completed, a draft final report will be presented to the client for review and comments.  VMS will address the comments while preparing the final report, which is the final project deliverable.

Once the final report has been released, our President will meet with the client for a final evaluation.  The purpose of this evaluation is to learn our client's perspective on how the project was executed.  This evaluation is essential to ensure that VMS continues to be a trusted partner for management advice.

For more general information on ur international work, please click here.
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